Happy Flower Quilts Blog Hop

Welcome to my turn on the Happy Flower Quilts blog hop!

Happy Flower Quilts was originally written in Japanese by Atsuko Matsuyama over 5 years ago, and like many people I owned a copy of the original book. Of course I couldn’t understand the instructions however the photos and projects are so beautiful they provided me with lots of inspiration.

You can imagine my delight when Zakka Workshop contact me to say they were releasing an english version of the book AND would I like to join the blog hop!


The book has stayed true to its original release – it still features over 30 projects and contains such beautiful colourful photos, however I can now actually create the projects from the book just as Atsuko intended thanks to the english instructions!

img_3643The first project I made from the book was a super cute patchwork placemat for my 6 month old great niece for her first Christmas. I paired it with a feeding set, so when she started learning to eat it would be in cute patchwork style. Like most projects in the book it is all about the sweet details, and although I didn’t add lace I did added a hand stitched hexie in one of my favourite Atsuko Matsuyama strawberry prints.


For the blog hop I decided to make to make the lunch tote, however instead of filling it with snacks I’m going to fill it with sewing supplies!



Lecien Fabrics were gracious enough to supply me with their gorgeous Antique Flower in Pastel collection along with their sweet and soon to be released strawberry handles.

Seriously have you ever seen prettier handles, can’t you just imagine them being featured on makes for family, for friends, for yourself!





The tote turned out slightly smaller than I originally thought however it is perfectly sized to carry all my sewing essentials.







I  paired the tote with the patchwork scissor caddy from the book. I used a img_4609combination of machine and hand stitching and made my own bias binding (making sure I cut it on the bias so it sat nicely on the curves). The caddy is ideal if like me you take your sewing on errands with you as it keeps your scissors safe and protected whilst in a pretty little package.








The sewing tote is going to be perfect when I join along the Happy Flower Quilt Along (QAL) that commences on March 6. Keeping all my sewing supplies together along with the tiny pieces for the embroidery blocks.



For further details about the QAL have a look at Kristyne from the Pretty By Hand website. Kristyne, aong with Melissa from Oh How Sweet Co, Wynn from Zakkaart and Zakka Workshop have got lots of super fun planned for the QAL.

And don’t forget to continue following along with the Happy Flower Quilts blog hop (details below)!  There are so many talented makers who will be making items featured in the book and quite a few that have already been featured.

25 Lisa from www.aspoonfulofsugardesigns.com
27 Sarah from www.alittlehappyplace.blogspot.co.uk
30 Minki from www.minkikim.com


1 Heidi from www.fabricmutt.blogspot.com
3 Clara @claralovestosew (Instagram Account Only)
8 Erin from www.whynotsew.blogspot.com
10 Lauren from www.transientart.com
13 Sedef from www.downgrapevinelane.com
15 Ayda from www.cafenohut.blogspot.com
17 Renee from www.sewnwithgrace.com
20 Heather from www.vintagegreyhandmade.blogspot.com
22 Melissa from www.ohhowsweet.com
24 Greg from www.greydogwoodstudio.com
27 Stacy from www.stacyolsondesign.com

1 Wynn from www.zakkaart.blogspot.com